
Features of Software for Outsourcing Call Center

What are the features of special software for an outsourcing call center in the Oki-Toki cloud service., specifics of the activity.

Features of Software for Outsourcing Call Center

With the growth of outsourcing contact centers, their expansion, and indeed their very existence, comes a demand for specialist software designed for the outsourced call center.

We at Oki-Toki understand the unique needs of these outsourcing contact centers; we focus on creating specific features that address their operational specifics. We have accumulated ample capabilities to provide a convenient environment for efficient operational activities within a call center.

So, let’s discuss the key elements of this environment.

This article pertains to our product “Cloud Call Center

Cloud Based Software Execution for the Outsourcing Contact Center


  • Data Back-up and Protection
  • Scalable Resources
  • Pay as You Go


Agents Working on Multiple Projects


  • A Unified Interface for Work
  • Agent Working Scripts


Specialized Reporting for Agents


  • Consolidated Work Time Accounting
  • Disciplinary Violations Tracking


Collaborative Work with Clients


  • Client Access Provision
  • Collaborative Work with Client Managers


Quick Deployment


  • Fast Changes
  • Simplicity in Training
  • Work from Browser


Unified KPIs for agents*


Now it’s easy to compare agents – we’ve created a unified point system for agents, which combines both objective (automatically calculated) indicators and subjective (evaluative) ones. Combined with the operators’ services exchange, they create a competitive environment for personnel selection and hiring.


Service Billing*


The ability to receive prepayment from the client, agree on the composition, and the cost of services, and automatically deduct the cost of services provided from the client’s prepaid balance – wonderful features in software for outsourcing call-centers.

Oki-Toki and communication services


  • Connect without restrictions
  • Consider the connected


Call filter


The ability to hide calls from reports by number or based on a created rule. Use it to exclude internal and control calls from billable (paid) traffic.


Agent work tariffication


Now, you can create simple rules for tariffication of agent work in BUSY, AWAY, PCP statuses. You can further read about the software for outsourcing call-center and tools for operators here.

Connect to Oki-Toki“.

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