All articles, notes, reviews, instructions, and service updates for internal and outsourcing contact centers Oki-Toki. Use modern tools!



Записи разговоров операторов колл-центра

Записи разговоров операторов колл-центра

22.07.2024 Call center agent conversation recordings

Call center agent conversation records are an essential source of information. It’s like the black box of an airplane: it helps understand what went wrong and how to fix it. In this article, we will discuss how to properly analyze and store data in Oki-Toki, to maximize its benefits.

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Тикет cистема

Тикет cистема

07.07.2024 Ticket System: How Oki-Toki Processes a Customer Ticket?

How the Ticket System is Used in Oki-Toki and Customer Inquiry Processing is Organized. Statuses, Deadlines, Responsible Parties, Technical Support KPIs.

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Полезные возможности работы с отчетами в ОКИ-ТОКИ

Полезные возможности работы с отчетами в ОКИ-ТОКИ

28.06.2024 Optimize your reporting work: Effective approaches

Oki-Toki offers a variety of reports, and we are now going to talk about the tools that simplify working with them.

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Как защитить данные клиента в проектах Оки-Токи?

Как защитить данные клиента в проектах Оки-Токи?

20.06.2024 Customer Data Protection: Exclusive Fields in Projects

Why is it necessary to segment client information in a form? Oki-Toki will enlighten you. The result is – the agent makes fewer mistakes and works faster.

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17.06.2024 How to transform a “bad” call center agent into a “good” one?

How to Increase Motivation and Engagement of Agents, Useful Tips for Hiring, Efficient Training, and Support.

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конфликтные клиенты

конфликтные клиенты

13.06.2024 How to Approach Conflict Clients

What are the clients of the call center and how to work effectively with them. Simple and useful tips for operators on building trust and maintaining peace of mind.

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Чат для поддержки клиентов: Омниканальный чат в Оки-Токи

Чат для поддержки клиентов: Омниканальный чат в Оки-Токи

27.05.2024 Customer Support Chat: Omnichannel Chat in Oki-Toki

Discover how the omni-channel platform Oki-Toki helps call centers expand communications and improve agent productivity by integrating telephony, messengers, social networks, and email in one window.

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Как сделать шаблон email для скрипта продаж в контакт центре

Как сделать шаблон email для скрипта продаж в контакт центре

22.05.2024 How to Create an Email Template for Contact Center?

Email Template for Sales Script – A Tool for Automated Sending of Emails from the Conversation Script, on Event or via API.

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Критерии оценки работы оператора колл-центра

Критерии оценки работы оператора колл-центра

17.05.2024 Call Center Agent Performance Standards: Report of the Status History

How to check the working hours of agents, view the report of one user’s status history at the workstation, settings and features in Oki-Toki.

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Создание аутсорсингового колл-центра

Создание аутсорсингового колл-центра

16.05.2024 How to Create an Outsourcing Contact Center?

Boost your business competitiveness with an outsourced call center! In this guide, you will find everything you need to create a profitable contact center that will work for you.

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