All articles, notes, reviews, instructions, and service updates for internal and outsourcing contact centers Oki-Toki. Use modern tools!
Иллюстрация человека, работающего с интерфейсом системы DataMixer на экране монитора. Экран отображает различные блоки с данными, графики и отчеты, такие как ACD, CRM, SEC и другие. DataMixer используется для анализа и создания отчетов.
DataMixer – a new oki-toki tool that will simplify your reporting work. Read in the note what it’s for and how to set it up!
Learn MoreWhat is the FCR indicator for call center operation, how to calculate it by formula, automatic report in oki-toki, and selection of fields for filling.
Learn MoreHow to determine the occupancy rate of call center agents and set up the “Occupancy” indicator in the Oki-Toki service.
Learn MoreЗаписи разговоров операторов колл-центра
How to store and analyze operator call recordings in Oki-Toki
Learn MoreТикет cистема
How the Ticket System is Used in Oki-Toki and Customer Inquiry Processing is Organized. Statuses, Deadlines, Responsible Parties, Technical Support KPIs.
Learn MoreПолезные возможности работы с отчетами в ОКИ-ТОКИ
Oki-Toki offers a variety of reports, and we are now going to talk about the tools that simplify working with them.
Learn MoreКак защитить данные клиента в проектах Оки-Токи?
Why is it necessary to segment client information in a form? Oki-Toki will enlighten you. The result is – the agent makes fewer mistakes and works faster.
Learn MoreHow to Increase Motivation and Engagement of Agents, Useful Tips for Hiring, Efficient Training, and Support.
Learn Moreконфликтные клиенты
What are the clients of the call center and how to work effectively with them. Simple and useful tips for operators on building trust and maintaining peace of mind.
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