Tools for Contact Center Agents

We make convenient tools for agents to work with clients and teams. We also simplify the evaluation of achievements through KPIs and automate salary calculation.


Working with Clients

Планирование звонка
Call Planning
Just agreed with the client on the date and time of the next call? Schedule it right away in the system!
Задержка перед автозвонком для ознакомления с карточкой
Delay before a dialer to get familiar with the card
Enable a call delay for the client to have time to get familiar with the card and prepare for the conversation.
История общения
Communication History
Displaying communication history during a call will reduce the time to search for past requests and solve problems with the client.
Возможность прослушивать звонки
Ability to listen to the latest calls
Not only look at who you called but also listen to recordings of your calls, for example, to remember or re-check the order details.
Сценарии разговоров
By using call scripts, you will be able to standardize communication with the client, as well as automate work with calls, letters, and SMS. More details here
Дружественные интеграции
Friendly Integrations
CRM Oki-Toki can integrate with any modern CRM, many telecom operators, file storages, and other external services. For this, we have ready-made plugins and API.


Возможность учёта времени “на обеде” и “работа с документами”
Ability to track time "on lunch" and "working with documents"
Need to go on lunch or work with documents? Choose such a status, and Oki-Toki will automatically distribute calls among the remaining agents, and the supervisor will see the reason for the pause and your comment.
Внутренний чат
Internal Chat
Communicating with colleagues has never been so fast and convenient. In one window, communicate with the client, ask for help in a private chat, and view the company's general notifications.
Виджет “Пользователи”
“Users” Widget
Need to transfer a call or call the manager, but not sure if he is available? A special “Users” widget will show the user's status, of course, if you have the right to see it.

Personal Statistics of KPI Achievements and Salary

Выполнение KPI
KPI Achievement
Every Call Center has KPIs, and they need to be met. We've created a “Performance indicators” widget, which in real-time displays a list of indicators, required and current values, and the accrued bonus.
Управление зарплатами
For good work, they pay, and for violations, they impose fines. How much is accrued for a day's work, were there any violations, who should expect a bonus? Thanks to automation, it's possible to manage agents' virtual balance, replenishing and debiting virtual funds for the work done.

Utilize additional tools as needed

Speech Analytics

Conversation evaluation, transcripts, and speech analytics – three key Oki-Toki tools that will allow you to control the quality of calls in your call center!

  • automatic selection of audio recording for review,
  • voice distortion to eliminate subjectivity,
  • statistics of agent ratings and the performance of the quality control department,
  • karaoke mode (comparison of audio recording text and highlighting the text during listening),
  • tracking interruptions, pauses, use of obscene language in conversation with customer,
  • tracking the compliance of the application form with the conversation transcript.

Having trouble with reports? Does your call center need convenient reporting for a manager? Start using Reports!

  • Automatic sending of reports at the specified time.
  • Ready-made templates for all types of projects and kinds of works.
  • Clear reports without unnecessary data.
  • Division by projects.

Reviews on Oki-Toki from Other Services

Oki-Toki Google Chrome browser

Contact center agent tools

Nowadays, communication center tools and contact center tools play a significant role in enhancing the efficiency of call centers. Call center management tools, combined with call center operator software, aim to increase operator productivity. Additionally, thanks to communication center agent tools and communication center management tools, software usage becomes easier and more effective for communication center operators. Management tools for communication centers and call center tools for agents are designed to improve the overall performance of call centers.

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