
Techniques of Cold Calling: Best Sales Scripts for Phone Sales

Implementing the right scripts will boost your sales! Read in our article how to prepare a script for cold calls.

Techniques of Cold Calling: Best Sales Scripts for Phone Sales

Cold Calling Sales

Cold calling can be a challenge for many sales representatives. Picture this: you are dialing a number and calling a stranger, aiming to sell your product or service. No wonder many individuals feel anxious and insecure in these situations. However, there are simple techniques that can make you successful in cold calling sales.

The first thing to remember is setting up for success. Having a positive attitude and confidence plays an important role during the call. Before starting the conversation, try to develop a positive mood, inspire yourself for success and believe that your product or service is truly valuable for the client.

The second secret to success is preparation. Research your target audience and develop a sales script that will be effective for your proposal. Your script should be simple, clear, and persuasive. Use a greeting to spark the client’s interest, and then smoothly transition to discussing their needs and how your product or service can assist them.

The third vital technique is active listening. Try to give your client an opportunity to speak and express their needs and interests. Listen carefully and ask clarifying questions. This will help you better understand how your offer can assist the client and how it matches their needs.

Another useful technique is the ability to handle objections. When a client expresses doubts or objections, don’t panic. Instead, ask for clarification and propose solutions that may alleviate these doubts. Be prepared for typical objections and have relevant responses at hand to convince the client of the value of your offer.

It’s critical to understand that cold calling sales are an art that requires continuous practice and skill honing. The more calls you make, the more experience you gain and the better you become at your job.

Also, remember the importance of a friendly and professional tone of voice. Your voice is a tool that can create a positive impression on the client. Speak clearly and articulately, use pauses and active listening skills to establish good communication with the client.

Don’t forget that each call is an opportunity for growth and improvement. Evaluate your calls, analyze your successes and failures, and implement improvements in your sales technique. You can use CRM systems or other tools to track your results and see which approaches work best.

In the end, success in cold phone sales requires persistence, confidence, and constant development. Don’t be afraid of rejections or difficulties – consider them as lessons that will help you get better. And remember, each call is a new opportunity for success and establishing connections with potential customers.

Developing an effective sales script

Developing an effective sales script is a key factor for success in cold phone sales. A well-structured and appealing script will help you convince the customer of the value of your offer and overcome objections.

The first step in script development is defining its structure. The script should be logical and sequential, allowing you to efficiently guide the customer through each stage of the sale. Here are some critical elements that should be incorporated into your script:

    • Greeting and introduction: Start the call with a courteous greeting and introduce yourself. Be friendly and professional from the beginning to instill trust in the customer.
    • Creating interest and capturing attention: Then, move on to an enticing statement that will attract the customer’s attention. Talk about the benefits of your product or service, make it interesting and attractive.
    • Identifying customer needs and problems: Ask questions to understand the customer’s needs and problems. Listen carefully and show that you are interested in how your proposal can help them solve their issues.
    • Solution proposal and advantages: Describe how your product or service can solve the client’s problems. Point out the specific advantages and benefits they will receive if they choose your offer.
    • Responses to client objections and queries: Anticipate objections and prepare compelling answers. Be ready for the questions that may arise from the client and provide information to alleviate their doubts.
    • Closing the sale and call to action: Approach the deal conclusion. Make a specific offer, propose the customer to make a purchase or agree on the next step. Create a sense of urgency and importance in making a decision.

It’s essential to remember that your script needs to be flexible and adaptable for every customer. Each time you call, you have the opportunity to make slight modifications to the script based on the needs and characteristics of the customer. Be prepared for improvisation and listen to what the customer is saying in order to adapt your offer and approach to the situation.

To make your scripts more appealing to the customer, use simple and clear language. Avoid complex terminology or business jargon that could confuse or deter the customer. Strive to express your ideas clearly and simply so that the customer can easily understand how your proposal can benefit them.

Furthermore, inject some emotion into your scripts. Show your client that you are genuinely interested in their success and ready to assist. Use a positive and energetic tone of voice to convey your enthusiasm and confidence. People are inclined to respond to emotion, so establish a positive and trusting mood during the conversation.

Don’t forget about practice and honing your scripts. The more times you use it, the more confident and natural it will become. Also, listen to your calls and pay attention to your strengths and weaknesses. Enhance your skills by paying attention to your successes and lessons that can be learned from failures.

Developing an effective sales script is a continuous process. Practice, experiment and enhance your skills. Over time, you will become a more confident and successful phone seller, achieving your goals and attracting new customers.

You can read more about customer conversation scripts in a separate article on the blog. 

Handling objections and overcoming difficulties

Cold phone sales can be a real challenge for sellers. When you are trying to convince a stranger to buy your product or service, objections and difficulties often arise. However, if you learn to effectively handle these objections, you can increase your chances for success. Let’s consider a few useful strategies and examples that will help you in this process.

    • Listen attentively. One of the most vital elements of objection handling is active listening. When your potential client expresses their doubts or queries, devote your complete attention to them. Confirm that you are hearing them by reiterating their objection or question to ensure they have confidence in your understanding. For instance, “I understand that you might think our offer appears too expensive, but that’s if you pay the entire sum all at once, what about if broken down by months?” 
    • Take objections as an opportunity. Don’t view objections as hurdles, but as chances to display your expertise and persuade the customer. Consider the objection as a question which provides you the chance to deliver information and explain the advantages of your product or service. For instance, if the customer says: “I am already using another similar product”, you can respond: “Great! That means you already understand how useful such a product can be. But our company offers certain features that make our product even better. May I tell you about them?”
    • Present compelling arguments. To overcome objections, provide your customer with compelling arguments and facts that underscore the value of your offer. Use specific examples and statistics to support your claims. For instance, if a customer says, “I don’t have time to learn a new product,” you can respond, “We fully understand and value your busy schedule. Our product is designed for ease of use and rapid acclimatization. Most of our customers note that after a brief introductory training, they quickly master all the features and start reaping the benefits of the product from the early stages of use. Additionally, we provide personalized support and training to arm you with all necessary assistance and maximise the efficacy of the process. Would you like the terms of the contract sent to you at XXX or XXX?”
    • Personalize Your Solution. When addressing objections, strive to take into account the features and needs of each customer. A personalized solution allows you to establish a closer connection with the customer and show that you genuinely care about their unique requirements. For example, if a customer says, “I have concerns about data security,” you could respond, “We fully understand the importance of data security. We have integrated advanced protection mechanisms used by leading companies in this industry. Furthermore, we offer individual security settings to satisfy your specific requirements and ensure complete protection of your data, do you still have security questions?”
    • Be able to respond to negative reviews. In cold sales, you’re bound to encounter negative reviews or concerns based on a client’s previous experience or rumors. It’s crucial not to take this as a personal defeat, but rather view it as an opportunity to address doubts. Suggest the client to view your proposition from a different perspective and explain how your product or service can overcome their previous issues. For instance, if a client says: “I’ve heard that your company has issues with technical support”, you can respond: “We are consistently improving our technical support to ensure high-quality customer service. What specifically in technical support is important to you?

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At the end of the day, the key point in handling objections in cold sales is confidence and empathy. Remember, customers have the right to their doubts and questions, and your job is to help them overcome these obstacles and see the value of your offer.

Don’t be afraid to be flexible and find alternative ways to solve customers’ problems. Sometimes this may require additional research, discussions with colleagues, or consultation with management. However, this extra work can lead to a successful sale and establish long-term mutually beneficial relationships with customers.

Continuous improvement and analysis of results

When it comes to cold sales and developing scripts for the contact center, continuous improvement and result analysis play a major role.

Firstly, it’s important to analyze the results of our cold calls and interactions with customers. This requires studying data on the number of calls, orders received or sales made, as well as collecting customer feedback on our scripts and approach. This will help us understand what is working well and what needs improvement.

Leveraging the data acquired, it’s essential to draw conclusions and adjust both, the scripts and approach to cold calling. For instance, suppose you notice that customers frequently reject following a specific question or highlight shortcomings in the proposed product. In this case, it’s crucial to adapt the script, enhance the wording, or provide more detailed information.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and introduce changes to the script. Maybe, some of them will be successful, others not. In Oki-Toki’s call center software, tools like speech analytics, dialogue assessment, and KPI are available that help the supervisor monitor the work of agents and check the scripts’ efficacy. By analyzing the results, you’ll be able to determine what works better and adapt to customer needs.

Dialogue assessment in Oki-Toki
Dialogue assessment in Oki-Toki

The techniques of cold selling over phone and their use

Cold sales, or cold calls, are a way of reaching potential clients who previously showed no interest in your product or service. This method can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help you increase the efficiency of such sales.

    • Preparation: For instance, a telecom agent manager should not only know all the offerings related to their product but also understand the overall market scenario as well as the typical problems and needs of customers. This information must be harnessed to craft personalized propositions fitting the exact needs of every customer.
    • Establishing contact: The primary goal is to make the client favorably disposed towards you, which means you need to sell yourself first. You should not ask questions with an apologetic tone, for instance, “Is it a convenient time to talk?”. Show the client that you value their time: “I understand that you are extremely busy, our conversation will not take long. I will ask you a few questions to present the most beneficial offer for you, is that okay?”
    • Effective Communication: For instance, rather than stating: “Our product has feature A, B and C”, it’s better to discuss the value of the product and what problems it can potentially solve.
    • Objection handling: the universal strategy of “choice without choice” or the alternative question. This strategy also works flawlessly at the deal-closing stage. For instance: “Is it convenient for you to reschedule a call for Monday at 10 am or Tuesday at 2 pm?”, “Shall we sign the contract now or after discussing the details?” This approach offers the client a choice, but both options lead to the desired outcome for the agent – an additional meeting. 
    • Persistence: If the customer declines an offer, the manager has the opportunity to try again after some time, offering different benefits or terms. However, it’s critical to respect the customer’s decision and avoid being obtrusive.
    • Subsequent contact: The manager can send a thank you letter after the call, offer bonuses on their behalf, and inform about current promotions. 

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These examples illustrate how cold sales techniques can be implemented in practice. The goal is to establish trust relationships with customers, demonstrate the value of the product or service and respectfully relate to customers’ needs and decisions.

Example of cold sales script variant

Approximate dialogue scenario for a cheese sales company manager:

Agent: “Good day, “World of Cheese” company, my name is Valeriy, we specialize in manufacturing and selling high-quality cheese. What name can I address you by?”

Client: “Natalya”


Agent: “Very nice to meet you, Natalya.Our cheese is not just cheese, it’s pleasure in every piece. We invite you to join our loyal customer base, where you will receive special offers and access to exclusive promotions. May I ask you a few questions to make the most beneficial offer for you, is that okay?”

Client: “Yes”


Agent: “What type of cheese do you prefer – hard types like parmesan or softer paste-like?”

Client: “Soft”


Agent: “What flavour do you prefer? A gentle creamy taste or with added herbs?”

Customer: The gentle creamy taste”


Agent: “Thank you for your answers. There is XXX cheese with the softest creamy taste and a curd-like consistency, and XXX cheese with a soft, slightly sweet aftertaste. Which one do you like more?”

Customer: “XXX cheese”


Agent: “Excellent choice! XXX cheese is our premium product with a sophisticated taste. It’s made from select milk that enhances your enjoyment of the cheese.”

Customer: “But it’s expensive”


Agent: “I fully understand your concerns about the price, Natalya. However, let’s look at it from another perspective. XXX cheese is a premium product with a unique taste and high quality. Our customers who have chosen this cheese appreciate its rich and delicate taste that perfectly combines with various dishes and creates unforgettable experiences. Besides, considering the discount, the price will be lower. Let me assist you with placing the order, alright?”


Client: “Alright, I agree, how do I place an order?”

Agent: “Please provide your name, delivery address, and any other preferences. Moreover, as part of our special offer, we are giving you extra benefits. You become a member of our loyalty program, gaining access to exclusive promotions and discounts on our entire range of products.”

Ready-made scripts for the contact center can be viewed in a separate article on the blog.

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