
Ready-made scripts for the call-center: The conversation scenario of a call-center agent with a customer

What is a call center agent’s conversation script and how to use it in Oki-Toki.

Ready-made scripts for the call-center: The conversation scenario of a call-center agent with a customer

What is a script conversation?

A call center conversation script is a plan or set of instructions that aid call center agents in conducting effective conversations with clients. It often includes not only greetings and goodbyes but also responses to frequently asked questions, as well as instructions to resolve specific problems.

Why is it necessary? Well, without a conversation script, a call center agent can turn into a frightened rabbit, listening to the client’s questions with confusion and faintly moving his ears. The script, on the other hand, allows the agent to answer questions clearly and competently, avoiding speculation and solving customers’ issues quickly.

A conversation script assists in controlling service quality in call centers. So, if all managers use the same script, supervisors can monitor the effectiveness of its use and conduct a manager’s work quality analysis.

The script shouldn’t be “strict boundaries” that the agent follows word for word. Sometimes it can be useful to demonstrate a creative approach and slightly modify the template if the situation calls for a non-standard approach.

The purpose of scripts for call centers

A conversation script for the agent provides an opportunity to:

  • Boost sales and average check;
  • Control the conversation, steering the customer towards a purchase;
  • Increase employees’ confidence – the script indicates their next move, reducing agents’ mistakes;
  • Gather necessary information from the client or respond to their inquiries.

Also, scripts serve for training employees and enhancing their competencies. Based on your experience, you can integrate the best client communication practices in the scripts. Using a script enables fast training of newcomers in sales techniques, thus increasing efficiency.

The telephone call script is focused on conveying precise information to the customers. It guides the agent on when to ask a question and how to present the product, describe its value and advantages.

The conversation script is used in the following areas:

  • Cold and hot sales;
  • Marketing research and surveys;
  • Technical support.

Scripts are effective for corporate call centers that handle receiving and distributing calls, as well as outsourcing companies, where a single agent serves multiple client projects.

Script for a call center in Oki-Toki
Script for a call center in Oki-Toki
Script for a call center in Oki-Toki
Script for a call center in Oki-Toki

How to create a conversation script?

Let’s consider several steps that will help you create an effective script to provide excellent customer service.

Step 1: Determine the purpose of the conversation. What do you want to achieve as a result of communication with the client? This could be solving a specific problem, selling a product or service, updating customer information, etc. The goal of the conversation should be clear and specific so that you can easily determine the necessary steps to achieve it.

Step 2: Determine the audience. Who are your clients? What questions might they have? What interaction scenarios are possible? These questions will help you create a script that will best suit your customers and solve their problems.

Step 3: Identify customer problems and questions. Now that you know who your customers are and what the purpose of the conversation is, you need to identify the most common customer problems and questions. This will help you include the appropriate responses in your script. Don’t forget that a good script should contain not only information about the product or service, but also options for solving possible problems.

Step 4: Plan your conversations. Consider possible interaction scenarios and determine the most effective responses to customer questions. Your script should be flexible and allow operators to adapt to the specific situation. Therefore, be sure to include multiple answer options for the same question so that employees can choose the most appropriate option and still sound natural and confident.

Step 5: Coach your managers. Once you have created the script, it is important to train the operators. Explain to them how to use the script, show them examples and conduct practical exercises. The conversation script of a call center operator should not sound like a memorized monologue, so help managers find their own individual style and approach to communicating with clients.

Step 6: Track and analyze the results. Once you have created the script and trained the operators, it is important to monitor and analyze the results. Evaluate the effectiveness of the script, the number of sales, resolved problems and feedback from customers. If something doesn’t work, make the necessary adjustments.

A conversation script is not just an instruction, it is your tool for communicating with clients. He will help you achieve your goals and provide excellent customer service. But remember that every client is unique, so the script must be flexible and allow employees to adapt to specific situations.

Five mistakes to avoid when using a script

The conversation script is a useful tool, but its incorrect use can lead to negative consequences. Let’s look at the mistakes that need to be avoided.

Learning a script word by word. Using a conversation script should not mean memorizing it word for word. If the operator simply reads the script, then communication with the client becomesunnatural, timid and boring. In addition, the client may feel that he is simply being “patterned” and not receiving the help he wants. Therefore, it is necessary to use the script as a guide, not as a checklist, and speak to the client in a natural and friendly manner.

Disregard for the client’s needs. Each client is unique, so do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of the client in the communication process. The conversation script must be flexible so that the operator can adapt to the specific client and his needs. Do not forget that pleasant communication with the client is an important part of quality service.

Indifference in conversation. Another mistake to avoid is not participating in the conversation. If the operator simply answers the customer’s questions and does not show interest in him and his problems, then the customer may feel that his problem is not important. Therefore, operators must show sincere interest in the client, clarify the details of his problem and do everything possible to solve it.

Irrelevant conversation script. The conversation script is not static document, it must be constantly updated and improved. Out-of-date script can result in operators providing customers with outdated information or using outdated practices. This can negatively impact the quality of service and lead to customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is important to periodically update the conversation script, taking into account changes in the product or service, changes in customer needs, etc.

Insufficient operator training. Creating a good conversation script is only half the job. It is also important to train operators to use it correctly. Therefore, agents must be well trained to use the conversation script effectively.

The conversation script is an important tool for call centers, but its incorrect use can lead to to negative consequences. Avoid memorizing the script word for word, do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of the client, be involved in the conversation, periodically update the script and do not forget about sufficient training of operators. All this will help provide effective customer service and improve the reputation of your call center.

Answers to questions and recommendations when creating a script

Question 1: How to start a dialogue with a client?

Answer: Greet the client, introduce yourself and the company, then be sure to clarify the client’s name (and in the future always address him by name).

Greeting examples ready for use:

“Good afternoon, Company [company name], my name is [operator name].”

“Good afternoon! My name is [operator name], I am a specialist/manager of the company [company name].”

“Good afternoon! Thank you for contacting us. My name is [operator’s name], how can I contact you?”

“Hello, my name is [operator’s name], I’m calling from the company/ I am a specialist at [company name]. You have received an application, please clarify what questions you have?/How can I help you? (Waiting for a response). Tell me, how can I contact you?”

“Hello, my name is [operator name], I am a representative of the company [company name]. For more comfortable communication, please clarify how I can contact you?”

Question 2: How to identify the client’s needs during a conversation ?

Answer: After the greeting, proceed to clarify the client’s needs. For example:

“Tell me what you want to use the product for?” (if appropriate)

“Tell me, what are you using now?”

“What difficulties/problems do you have with the product you are using now?”

“What other options have you considered? (waiting for an answer) What suited you and what didn’t after consideration?

After receiving answers to questions, you usually need to put pressure on places”, showing the value of the product being sold.

Question 3: How to understand the client, his position and emotions?

Answer: Listen carefully to the client and try to feel the emotions that he expresses. Ask clarifying questions to better understand his needs and expectations. Pay attention to tone of voice, rate of speech, choice of words, and other nonverbal cues that may indicate the client’s emotional state. Sometimes it is necessary to confirm a position and emotion, for example, by saying: “I understand that this is important to you” or “I can understand why you are outraged.”

Question 4: How to clarify whether a client has an interest in a product, product or service?

Answer: To to understand whether the client is interested in the product, you can ask the following questions:

“What services interested you most?”

“What information about a product do you need to determine if it is right for you?”

“What interested you in our product?”

“Did you have any doubts about our product before this conversation? If so, which ones?”

“How are you currently solving this problem or need?”

“What are the alternative options considered before?”

It is important to monitor the client’s reaction and adapt to his needs.

Question 5: How to get to the benefits of your offer?

Answer: To move on to listing the benefits of the offer, you need to ask the client about his needs and problems that he wants to solve. You can then list the benefits that best match those needs and objectives.

For example, you could say: “Given that you want to solve the problem [name task], our product/service offers the following benefits: [list benefits].” It is also important to highlight how these benefits can help the client achieve their goals.

Sample questions:

“What is most important for you when choosing a product/service?”

“What functionality should be included in product so that it is suitable for you?”

“Do you know that our product/service has a number of advantages over analogues on the market?”

“What product features and capabilities are important to you?”

“Which do you have experience using similar products?”

“What problems did you experience with previous products?”

“What results do you expect from using the product?”

Then you can move on to describing the benefits of the product, emphasizing uniqueness, quality and competitiveness.

Question 6: How to deal with client objections?

Answer: Listen to the client and try to understand his point of view, and then offer a solution to his problem. It is important to show that you (and the company) are interested in this client and can offer better conditions than the existing ones.

Examples of responses to client objections:

  • “This is too much expensive”

As a rule, if a client says “expensive”, this means that he does not see enough value in the product. Such an objection must be handled individually for each product and taking into account the specifics of the client himself.

“I understand that price is important, but our product is durable and reliable . You will get a unique user experience that you will not find in cheap analogues.”

“The high price is justified by innovative technologies and a high level of service to provide our customers with reliability and support.

“We strive to provide customers with the best products and services. Our company invests in quality production and provides impeccable service.”

“Our price reflects the durability and reliability of our products. We are confident that our product is worth every dollar invested in it and you will be satisfied with the result of your purchase.”

“Yes, it may be expensive, but this is without accounting for discounts/bonuses, let’s do the math together? Comparing with the best-selling product…”

  • “I’m not sure I need this”:

“We understand that it is difficult to make a decision regarding a new product or service, what stops you from making a decision/what information did you not have enough to make a decision?”


If this is a cold sale, then you can find out whether it is perhaps not for him personally, but, for example, for family members.

  • “I don’t know enough about your company”:

“We will advise on any questions you have about our company. Tell me what exactly you are interested in?”

  • “I’m not ready to make a decision yet”:

“Tell me honestly, what is your doubt? Did you not have enough information or is the price stopping you?”

Question 7: How to complete an order?

Answer: To place an order, please offer the client have clear and attractive conditions and make the ordering process convenient and fast. Show that the company values its customers and is ready to provide them with the best service.

Example questions:

“Let’s place an order, will you pay by card or by bank account?”

“It’s convenient to place an order today or tomorrow in the morning?”

“Payment by card or by bank account?”

“Do you have any additional questions/suggestions that need to be taken into account when placing your order?”

“Is it better for you to call or email? »

Question 8: How to thank a client for their time and give a compliment?

Answer: Thank the client for his time and give the client a compliment, express gratitude that the client chose your company and show that his time was used with maximum benefit and efficiency . You can also give a compliment, noting, for example, the client’s ability to ask good questions and show interest in the company’s products.

Examples of ending a conversation:

“Thank you for the time you spent talking to us.”

“Your opinion is very important to us, we appreciate your help in improving our work.”

“Thank you for choosing our company. We are always ready to help you resolve issues for fruitful cooperation.”

“Thank you for your trust, and we promise to do everything possible to satisfy your needs. »

“Have a nice day, thank you for your time.”

Question 9: How to summarize a conversation in a script?

A typical script for a call center should include three options for ending the dialogue: customer consent and order confirmation, an offer to call back and a refusal with the ability to indicate a reason. When developing scripts, use a directory of common reasons for refusal: the price is too high, delivery time is too long, you need to consult with family members, etc.

Examples of effective conversation scripts in various fields of activity

Examples of effective conversation scripts can vary significantly depending on the company’s field of activity and its goals.

Sales of banking products:


“Good afternoon! My name is Anna, I am a financial services specialist. There is a new offer for youon banking products (debit/credit cards) including free service and cashback for purchases. What type of card are you using now?

Working out objections

  • “I don’t know if I need this product” or “I already have a similar product.”>/li>

“I understand your point, but our bank offers different types of cards that may suit your needs. I can offer you an overview of these cards so that you can choose the appropriate option. Which type of card is better for you – credit or debit?”>/blockquote>

  • I’m not sure that I need a credit/debit card.”

“Do you like to receive gifts? Using our bank cards, you will receive cashback up to XXX% from bank partners, as well as crediting of funds to the card balance up to XXX%. Is it more convenient for you to go to the bank to receive a card or send it by courier?”

  • “I already have a credit/debit card in another bank”

“I understand your situation, but we offer competitive conditions for our cards, which may be more profitable than your current card. Let’s compare our conditions with the conditions of the bank whose card you are using now , okay?

  • “I don’t know what card I need”>/span>

“I understand your confusion, now we will look at several options for our cards so that you can choose a more suitable option for yourself. Ok?

Completion of sale:

“Excellent , I will take your choice into account. Would you like me to send you the delivery information or can you arrange everything yourself?”


“Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to see you among our clients. Have a nice day!”

Sale of goods

Welcome and introduction >/b>

Good afternoon, my name is [your name], I’m calling from the company [company name]. We have a new dress that is perfect for the spring season. It is available in several colors. Which color best suits your style and preferences?”


Objection handling:

“I’m not sure that this dress suits me”

“I understand you, but we provide free shipping and returns if the product does not suit you. You can try on and evaluate the dress on yourself, and if you are not satisfied with it, you can always return it. What color and size do you need? do you prefer?”

“Great, I understand that you have many options to choose from, but I am sure that our dress will be a great addition to your wardrobe. Which color best suits your style and preferences?”

“I need a dress of a different style/color”

“I understand your point and we have many other colors, sizes and dress styles. I will send you a catalog of our women’s clothing, where you can choose something more suitable for yourself. Which style do you prefer?”

“I present to you our new dress. It has [a description of the main characteristics of the dress]. Which style do you prefer, vintage or classic?

“I’m not ready to make a purchase right now”

“I understand that this is a big decision. We provide a return guarantee if suddenly the dress does not suit you and free shipping, your order will be delivered as soon as possible Are we placing an order for a blue or white dress?”

Complete sale:

“Great, I will take your choice into account. Would you like me to send you information about delivery and payment, or can you arrange everything yourself?”


“Thank you for considering our offer. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to see you among our clients. Good luck day!”

Medical services:


“Hello! We noticed that you were our client last year. I remind you of the opportunity to undergo a preventive examination at our clinic. This will help maintain your health and prevent the development of diseases. Which doctor is better to make an appointment with first, a therapist or an ophthalmologist? Would you like an appointment for the first or second half of the day?”

Processing of objections: span>

  • “U I don’t have time for a preventive examination.”

“I understand that you may have busy schedule, but our preventive examination will not take more than an hour. This is very important for maintaining your health and preventing the development of diseases. What day of the week is convenient for you to make an appointment?”

  • “I’m not sure I need this.”

“I understand that you are not sure about the need for a preventive examination, but this is very important for maintaining your health and preventing the development of diseases. In addition, we will conduct additional research and make recommendations for further actions. What day of the week is convenient for you to make an appointment?”

  • “I can’t afford to pay for a preventive examination.”

“I understand that saving is important to you, but we can offer various payment options that will be suitable for you you. We work with many insurance companies that may cover part or all of the cost of a preventive exam. Which payment method is more convenient for you?”

  • “I don’t want to waste my time undergoing a preventive examination.”

“I understand that you may have limited time, but a preventive examination will help maintain your health and prevent the development of diseases. I will find the most convenient time for you, okay?

Completion of sale:

“Great, you are booked for the XXX day of the XXX day. You can additionally dial or send an SMS message with reminder about recording time?”


“Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to see you among our clients. Have a nice day!”

Incoming support line

Greeting: >/b>

“Hello, this is [company name] support, my name is [your name]. I am ready to help you stop your devices from behaving , like harmful children at a party, for this I need to ask you a few questions, okay? (we clarify with the necessary questions what the client’s problem is)”

Examples of additional questions on how to start a dialogue:

Examples of additional questions on how to start a dialogue:

“How can I help you today? What problem or question do you have that I can help you with today?”

“What exactly is going on on your side? I am ready to listen and help you solve this problem.”

“You can tell me more details about what is happening, and I will try to offer a solution.”

“I would like to start with for you to tell me what happened and what help you need from our support team.”

“Please describe your situation so that I could understand her better and help you in the best way.”

“How can I help you today? Do you have any questions or problems that I need to solve?”

“I am ready to listen to you and understand what help you need. What can I do for you?”

How to find out what the client’s problem is:

In the field of technical support:

“What errors do you see on the screen?”

“Could you describe in more detail how you got into this situation?”

“What happens when you try to do this action?”

“What device do you have on which you are trying to use our application/service?”

“What steps have you already tried to resolve this issue?”

  • In the field of finance and accounting:

“What operations were carried out on your account that raise questions?”

“Could Could you describe in more detail what transactions you see on your statement?”

“What currency is used in your account, and what transactions were carried out in this currency?”

“What transactions did you perform last before this problem appeared?”

“Have you had any changes in your financial situation recently?”

  • In the healthcare sector:

“What symptoms are you observing? How long have they been going on?”

“What was your previous diagnosis and what treatment was prescribed?”

“Do you have any allergies or other medical conditions that may affect your treatment?”

“What dosage and what medications were prescribed to you ?”

“Have you had any changes in your life that may be related to your health?”

  • B in the field of education:

“What subject or topic gives you difficulty?”

“What sources have you already used to study this subject/topic?”

“What questions do you have when studying this topic?”

“What approaches to studying this topic have you already tried?”

“Have you had any changes in your schedule that may affect your study schedule?”

Working on objections :

  • “I don’t understand why I’m contacting your support service. You can’t help me!”

“I understand that you are in difficulty, but we are here to help and solve your problem. Tell me more about the situation so we can help you, okay?”

  • “I’ve already tried everything, but nothing helps!”

“I understand that you have already tried a lot, but let’s look at other options to solve this problem together. Please tell me in more detail about what you have already tried so that we can determine what other solutions you can try, okay?”

  • “I can’t afford to spend more time on this!”

“I understand that time is very valuable, but we will do our best to solve your problem as quickly as possible. Please tell me more about the situation so that we can solve this problem as can you do it faster, okay?”

  • “I’m not sure this solution will work!”

“I understand that you have doubts, but we are ready to offer you the best solutions. Let’s look at all the possible options together to choose the best one for you, okay?”

  • “I don’t agree with what you suggest!”

“We always offer our clients the best solutions. Please tell me what exactly you are not satisfied with in our proposal, so that we can choose a more suitable option, okay?”

Solution to the problem:

“Let’s check your account/order/other information to see what the problem might be.”

“I will forward your issue to our technical support team so they can look into it in more detail and provide a solution.”

“ Which solution method would be more suitable for you? Perhaps we can offer you solution options so that you can choose the most convenient one.”


“Thank you for contacting us. We are working on solving your problem and will definitely inform you about the result soon.”

“If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at any time. We are always ready to help.”

Do not forget that the conversation script is a living document that can and should be changed when necessary necessary. Evaluating its effectiveness and making changes will help you create a more effective script that will improve customer interaction and improve the quality of service in your call center.

Working with scripts in Oki-Toki

Oki-Toki cloud service provides ample opportunities to work with call center scripts:

  • Binding for each project your own conversation script (an irreplaceable function for outsourcers);
  • Display the conversation script as soon as the need arises. In some contact centers, operators are still using scripts printed on sheets of paper. But this approach is ineffective, because the manager has to spend time searching for the right script;
  • Sending automatic notifications to the client: for example, an SMS message with an order number or a full email with a commercial offer;
  • Storing communication history and recording the conversation status. If the conversation with the client ended early, for example, he asked to call back later, the operator will be able to note which points of the script were completed. When you call again, the manager will start the conversation from the place where the previous one ended;
  • Using webhooks in CRM for integration with external systems;
  • Motivation system in the form of points. Each time the agent reaches the step you define in the conversation script, he receives points. They can be taken into account, for example, for bonuses.

Watch our series of videos on setting up a conversation script on Youtube.

  • Convenient reporting for the call center manager is in the tool Reports.
  • To test our service for free, go link and register on the website.

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