
Automatic Number Conversion During Import

How to Set Up Automatic Number Conversion for Making Calls in a Contact Center: Key Rules and Validation.

Automatic Number Conversion During Import

If there is only one client, you can always ask to translate the database into the required international format; if there are many partners and the databases are “mixed”, there is a need to set up automatic conversion of numbers when importing, checking it for validation or compliance. We’ve listened to our customers and added three tools to Bulk Operations that will address this issue when importing your customer base.


Rules for converting numbers when importing a database


This tool is designed to set up automatic conversion of numbers to a template. The rules used are similar to the queue conversion settings. You can specify several separated by commas.


  • [10]/+7 – this rule will add 7 if the number consists of ten digits.
  • 044/+38 – this rule will add 38 if the number starts with 044.
  • [11]/-8+7 – this rule will convert the first digit of an eleven-digit number, remove 8 and add 7 if the number started with 8.
  • 38[10]/-38 – this rule will remove the first two digits of 38 if the number matches the pattern.


  • If the added number does not match any of the rules, the number will be added without changes
  • Rules are processed sequentially.
    • Example 1. Question: there is a number 4996775872, the rules state the following conditions [10]/+8, [10]/+38, [11]/-8+7, what number will be added? Answer: 74996775872? Yes? Why? The first rule will add 8 to the number, the second rule is skipped because the number no longer matches the pattern, the third rule will work – there is a match, since the number has become eleven digits and starts with 8.
    • Example 2. Question: there is a number 380444968432, the rules state the following conditions [7]/+38044, [12]/-38, what number will be added? Answer: 0444968432 – since the first condition is skipped, the second one converts the number.


Rules for validating numbers when importing a database


The tool is necessary to automatically check the compliance of numbers with templates. The rules used are similar to the queue conversion settings. You can specify several separated by commas.


  • [12] – this rule will only allow numbers with twelve digits in the contact number.
  • 7495 – this rule allows the import of numbers starting with 7495, the rest will be skipped.
  • 38044 – this rule allows the import of numbers starting with 38044, the rest will be skipped.
  • 38[10] – will allow loading numbers starting with 38 and ten digits after.


  • Each contact number undergoes its own validation.
  • To be added to the CRM database, the number must pass one of the checks
  • If, when loading a contact, all of its numbers do not pass verification, the contact will not be added.


Rules for converting and validating numbers when importing a database via API


We have expanded the API functionality with these rules “valid_rule” and “change_rule”, validation and number conversion, respectively. More details can be found here, in the sections adding and updating a contact.


You can read more about telephone number formats here.

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