
How does telephony work for a call center?

Five Reasons Why You Should Reboot Your Contact Centre. Enhancing your Call Centre with Oki-Toki.

How does telephony work for a call center?

Rebooting your contact center is an attempt to view your current solution from a different angle, identify problems, gaps, and seek their resolution. Usually, there’s always room for call center improvement.

Everyone says: “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. But what about reducing service costs, implementing automation and integration you’ve always dreamed of? Or, for example, about simplifying management, the ability to make evaluation criteria more transparent, increasing profit?

Let’s try to find these five reasons why you should reboot your contact center!

This article relates to the product Cloud Call Center

1. The Benefits of Cloud PBX for Contact Centers

  1. Automatic data backup at no extra cost.
  2. Committed fidelity to stored data, with access stipulated in the contract.
  3. No need for staff to monitor servers and ensure fail-safe operation.
  4. Agents can work remotely without compromising security or additional hassles.
  5. Your budget will say “Thank You”, because remote agents do not need to purchase equipment or allocate space.
  6. Setting up customer access to his statistics, you will be able to focus on business, not the discussion of “how are things? Any leads yet?”

2. Voice Services

Nowadays, no one is surprised by words like “transcription, recognition, and synthesis”. However, knowing and utilizing them are different things. Cloud solutions have been ahead of boxed ones, incorporating the most modern solutions into their product.

How to apply them?

Transcripts – what’s easier, to listen to hours of agent’s conversations in a day, or to review a “newspaper” of their talks in an hour? Combined with disciplinary control, this functionality makes the work of a supervisor incredibly easier and helps track all agent violations during conversations.

Synthesis – adds individuality to calls and increases conversion. How? Play a personalized greeting, call, and offer a personalized deal, or remind them to top up the balance by pronouncing the client’s name and a specific amount.

Voice Recognition – saves agent’s time, taking on the job of handling simple inquiries on the inbound line, and boosts customer loyalty, as they need not press any buttons, but only utter the response. An example? Have you tried to press one on your smartphone while commuting or driving? A minimum of three actions is required to do that, but with the “Voice Recognition” tool, for example, the answer “Yes” would be equivalent to pressing button 1.

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3. Ready Integrations – simplicity, convenience, flexibility

When you hear the word “Integration”, you might imagine something complex, difficult to grasp, time-consuming and expensive. But what if it’s not the case at all? Cloud solutions are always shoulder to shoulder with integrations. After all, this is a crucial aspect in business that you can’t afford to miss. For instance, if your internal CRM is no longer able to pace with your business dynamics and you’re eyeing up a CRM from AMO or Bitrix24, but your internal ATS has no out-of-the-box integration and you have to hunt down specialists in the field, draw up a relevant scope of work and fork out money. The alternative – cloud solutions which most of the time already have an integration feature and the technical support team can assist in its few-click setup.
Need more from the integration? – make use of the extended API that covers 99% of desires!

4. User-friendly interfaces or how to enhance your call center without losing your sanity

The simplicity of our control interface, compared to Asterisk or similar systems, eliminates the need for highly specialised professionals. Think about changing an IVR on an incoming line or connecting a SIP number. Usually, this would require a skilled specialist working in tandem with a supervisor to fine-tune the settings for each specific project. But what if you could use a cloud solution that doesn’t require such expertise? Your supervisor could handle everything themselves, including connecting any telephony. Changing the IVR becomes a task that can be accomplished in minutes, and statistics can be received via email or tracked in real time. This is not wishful thinking – many are working this way today.

See it in action

5. Automation

What could automation do to improve a call center?”

  • Lost call handling – forget about managing dropped calls, a robot will take over this task
  • Automatic agent monitoring, for example – find out in real time who is working and who is not, who violated the rules or eavesdrop on an agent who has been communicating with a client for almost 20 minutes.
  • Automatic information exchange via API, for example attach information about the call or a link to the call recording.
  • Automatic calls without agents.
  • Automatic reporting.
  • Automatic conversation uploads to Google or Yandex cloud.

And these are far from all the processes that can be automated!

We have tried to provoke you to think about relieving your contact centre and to show that migration can be not so complex but very beneficial.

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