
Oki-Toki News Digest for March 2020

Oki-Toki News for March 2020: Manual Cloud Unloading, First Phase of Stenogram Implementation, and More. Read On!

Oki-Toki News Digest for March 2020

Manual Cloud Export


Now you can choose which audio recordings need to be exported to an external drive. A premium feature “Export audio to an external drive” has been added to the export options in the call log. Filter out important records using a range of parameters and export them in one of two ways.

Manual cloud upload Oki-Toki

Manual cloud upload Oki-Toki


AMO in the Market


We have developed a full integration with AMO CRM. At this time, features such as direct calling from AMO, call history stored in the client’s card, the ability to schedule call from a contact or deal, automatic opening of a contact card with all types of calls are available. Autodialing is also integrated into the AMO lists, thus mass operations with contacts in AMO are available. We will be happy to consider your ideas for expanding the capabilities of this integration.


New Integration Section


We’ve moved the external storage management to a new section called “External Resources”. In addition to storage, you can set up integration with AMO CRM in this section (expect an article on integration already this month) and connect Intertelecom telephony (for clients operating in Ukraine). We will continue to increase the assortment of integrations with different platforms, stay tuned for news!


First phase of transcript implementation


A “Get Transcript” button has been added to the call log. As a result, you’ll retrieve a transcript of the conversation for a specific call. We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions for expanding features!


Integration with SIP provider Intertelecom


Integration with SIP provider Intertelecom has stepped up to a new level. The connection has become more convenient and faster. Setting up incoming lines, outgoing, control, all this is now available from one place! To use the new means of connecting a number from Intertelecom, go to the Integration – External Resources section.

Oki-Toki Integration with SIP Provider Intertelecom

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