
Predictive dialing: How does it work and how to enable predictive dialing?

How predictive calling works and how it can be useful for your business. Where predictive calling is used, how effective it is

Predictive dialing: How does it work and how to enable predictive dialing?

Dialer – automatic dialing of customer numbers from your database. The tool helps to communicate with clients on an outdated or unverified database. Dialer from Oki-Toki automates the waiting for a number answer and makes dialing multi-channel, which frees up employees and greatly speeds up work with a bad base. Automatic dialing can be used to handle missed calls, such as calls made by customers after business hours. The use of the tool is popular in sales, service advertising or information business.

Auto call modes

1. Dialing with transfer to the operator

In this case, the tool makes a set of numbers according to a given base. As soon as the client answers the call, he will be automatically connected to the operator. You can confirm the call manually or automatically. The tool is suitable not only for sales departments, but also for outsourcing call centers, whose operators simultaneously manage several projects. When receiving a call, an employee can use a script saved in the library. He also has the ability to quickly enter information into the customer’s card or place an order.

2. Calling by a robot

The robot is a special Oki-Toki tool that allows operators to remove the tasks of informing, alerting and answering simple customer questions from operators. With it, you can:

  • Notify about the promotion;
  • Offer services;
  • Conduct a survey on the quality of service;
  • Report the status of the order or the amount of the debt;
  • Update database of numbers.

The Oki-Toki robot is a tool with flexible settings. The user will be able to prescribe call scripts and customize its behavior. When dialing a client, the robot will play an audio recording or speech synthesized using the Google or Yandex service. The Oki-Toki tool perceives keystrokes or voice responses, can enter them into the CRM system, save, plan the next contact with the client, or transfer it to the operator.

3. Predictive ringing

Predictive (predictable) ringing has two advantages at once. Firstly, it reduces the waiting time for a call by the operator. Secondly, it ensures minimal loss of successful calls. When using the predictive dialing tool from Oki-Toki, the system makes a number of calls that exceed the number of available operators. Because, according to the forecast, customers will not answer some calls (hang-up, busy, invalid number). Read more about the possibilities of dialer in this post .

How predictive calling works

Predictive calling is a mode of operation in which the number of lines depends on the proportion of successful calls for some past period. The variable number of lines allows you to keep the number of successful calls for which there was no free operator within acceptable limits, while keeping the number of simultaneous calls as high as possible. Predictive dialer will work better if you have a large number of tasks processed and many operators are working, although it is acceptable from 5. If this condition is met, the tool will have enough statistics to predict. The features of our predictive dialing that our customers appreciate are productivity (100 attempts per second per project), compatibility with any CRM system, time zone detection, operator presence detection, setting the number of attempts, waiting time, auto-responder detection and communication problems. Control of dialer functions, receiving reports can be done through an open API .

Connect predictive calling for free!

The functionality from Oki-Toki allows you to take into account the specifics of the company and the needs of customers. Before starting the dialer, you can set the time frame and turn on the tool only on the desired days or hours. Predictive dialer settings are aimed at increasing the likelihood of a successful call. If one client has specified several contact numbers, you can include each of them in the automatic dialing list. The tool allows you to eliminate errors when dialing a number or skipping numbers. The predictive set distributes work between operators so that each specialist communicates with the same number of clients. Leave a request to use Oki-Toki tools for free for 14 days. The test period will be enough to evaluate the interface of the cloud solution, ease of use and the effectiveness of dialer.

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