
Using Oki-Toki Storage vs Google Drive

The Pros and Cons of the Oki-Toki Service’s Internal Storage and Google Drive External Disk.

Using Oki-Toki Storage vs Google Drive

Most call centers have a keen interest in keeping call recordings with clients stored and readily available. For this purpose, Oki-Toki provides a basic 10 gigabytes of storage (approximately 1400 hours of conversation) for each company. But what if you need to store significantly more recordings? What if the company needs to have access to quite old records or all of them? In this case, you can connect an external cloud drive or increase storage in Oki-Toki. External storage is less expensive, but is the savings worth the convenience and comfort? Making a decision will be easier if you weigh the pros and cons with an example of the most popular external storage – Google drive.
This article is related to tools for the IT department

Advantages of Google Drive


  • Records are outside of Oki-Toki, so you have access to them conditionally always;
  • You can give selective access, for example, to partners, without registering them in Oki-Toki;
  • The cost of GD storage is cheaper, although the absolute amount of expenses is insignificant.


Advantages of Oki-Toki


  • Oki-Toki’s internal storage, when filled to 100%, replaces the oldest records with the newest ones, giving priority to the currentness of the records. GD lacks such a priority system and does not provide any alert for reaching the limit;
  • The additional internal storage, like the base one, allows listening to records directly from the call log. Records that have moved to GD can only be listened to outside the Oki-Toki interface;


  • Also, the ability to listen to a record in the call log allows finding them by numerous parameters and if necessary to export, while the search capabilities in Google Disk boil down to searching by name or part of the name of the record file;

Use of storage: Extended filtering

Use of storage: Downloading audio records


  • In Oki-Toki, access to each file is logged;
  • By default, only one person has access to Google Disk. In cases where agents need to search for old recordings, access needs to be granted to each of them;
  • A person given access to external storage with editing privileges can accidentally or intentionally delete all records in two clicks without the possibility of recovering them. In Oki-Toki, the records will be stored for as long as necessary;
  • It’s as easy as clicking a couple of buttons to increase the capacity of the additional internal storage in Oki-Toki!


Storage Use: Increasing Internal Storage Capacity

Storage Use: Increasing Internal Storage Capacity

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