
Where to Buy SIP Numbers in Ukraine

List of communication agents selling SIP numbers in Ukraine. Their contacts, email, and recommendations from Oki-Toki service.

Where to Buy SIP Numbers in Ukraine

A client can order numbers from any communication agent who supports the SIP standard. We do not show a preference for any particular agent. For all agents, this service is new and contact center workers often do not exhibit the necessary competence. Thus, below we provide a list of contact persons for connections in major communication agents in Ukraine.


QueueGennadiy Davydov+380(44)5457205Info@chereda.net
KyivstarMaxim Adamenko+380672242328Maxim.Adamenko@kyivstar.net
VegaIrina Isayeva+380933229772, +380445817007Irina.Isaeva@vegatele.com
DatagroupElena Gromova+380(67)2142642Elena.Gromova@datagroup.ua
LifeDenys Lapach+380632107403denys.lapach@lifecell.com.ua
IntertelecomMikhail Sapon+380443611191, +380943303001msapon@it.od.ua
WigwAm telecomAlexey Tsipinyuk+380(44)5378002, +380(99)5345279
Lamis Ukraine+380(44)4923131info@lamis.net.ua


With each of these agents, we have built more than one connection, and adding another one will not be difficult for us.




Note 1: Order at least 10 lines at a time – they won’t be extra, and they’re very affordable.

Note 2: On safety.

The agent will surely offer at least one method of connection: trunk (SIP-Trunk) or registration (SIP Register). Some agents (Life 🙂 for instance) will insist on encrypting the connection. All these issues are necessary to prevent the use of your numbers without your consent. The difference in the methods of connection is as follows:

  • Trunk – it eliminates the possibility of unauthorized use, but requires written agreement with the agent (a day or maybe two) to change the server if necessary
  • Registration – allows for a server change with no service downtime, but theoretically your passwords could be used by third parties for selfish reasons.

Choose for yourself.

Note 3: This is an additional note on security.␣␣Although according to the new version of the Ukrainian Law “On Communication” the service of making international calls requires the customer’s agreement and should not be enabled by default, some agents enable it when signing a new contract. Pay attention to this and ask to disable it on all numbers – you won’t need it.␣␣If you are outside of Ukraine or want a number in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, you can turn to SIPNET. For numbers in other Russian cities – contact us at the office or through Google.␣␣Here you can find out where to get SIP numbers in Kazakhstan.␣␣In this note, you can read our recommendations on how to switch to SIP.

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