
Note: User Groups

Why does a call center need user groups, how to add agents to them, how to set them up wisely, and where to apply them.

Note: User Groups

When a large number of agents are involved in the work, it’s more convenient to assign not individual agents but entire groups to the queues. User groups are created for easy filtering of reports and management of a large number of agents. Examples of group usage include distribution of users by departments, sales directions, professionalism (skill, specialization), geographical affiliation or organizational feature (department, office or other), etc.

This article refers to the product Cloud Call Center.
h3>Tag your agents/h3>
An agent’s affiliation with a group is visible in the user list or, for instance, when assigned to a queue.

Agent's affiliation with a user group 

Agent's affiliation with group in queue settings
h3>Filter the report by agent group/h3>
Applying the “Groups” filter, you will get data only for the selected group. Group filtering is available in all reports from the “Users” and “Queues and Calls” sections

Report filtering by agent group
h3>What’s new in Oki-Toki?/h3>
A group accountability mechanism for tasks in callbacks has been added – “group stickiness”, which is an enhancement of the option “Callback Sticky Tasks” for callbacks that can be combined with it. When assigning a task to dialer, you can specify a group of responsible users. For example, if the person responsible for returning the call is not present (sick, run off on vacation, fired), his team will take over. The callback will look for free agents in the selected group. Group stickiness does not conflict with personal stickiness, but can supplement it!This allows you to keep the customer in the right skill group and increase the chance of a successful deal.

Learn more about sticky tasks and how to anchor a customer to a group.
h3>About creating groups/h3>

Adding a new agent group

  • Create a group, specify its name, and select a marker color;

Name the new group and select its color

  • Add the necessary agents from the proposed list

Adding Users to Groupsh3> Important:/h3>

  • A user can only be in one group, it is impossible to add an agent to several groups
  • Deleting a group does not delete a user.

How to assign a group to a client on YouTube. If after reading our Note you have further questions, create a ticket and the tech support staff will help find the answers or solve the problem.

Maxim Khrystenko.

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