
How to Automate Dialing Numbers?

Why a Contact Centre Needs Auto-Dialling and the Benefits of the Cloud-Based Oki-Toki System for Internal and Outsourcing CCs.

How to Automate Dialing Numbers?

This time we’re addressing the new Auto-Dialer. Long ago in Oki-Toki, this tool emerged and dealt with hundreds of thousands of calls daily. But progress does not stand still, and the old dialer has technically become outdated. We’ve devised a new auto-dialer that meets the contemporary demands of contact centers. However, there are companies still experiencing the shortcomings of the old auto-dialer, but are unwilling to switch from the known old to the unknown new. Therefore…


Dialing Speed


One of the most compelling reasons to switch to the new auto-dialer. Over time, due to the huge number of handled tasks, astronomical numbers accumulate in the old auto-dialer. They are not just numbers, but tasks that are not going anywhere. They are stored in the report module and the larger the array, the harder the auto-dialer works. The new dialer does not have this weak point, the completed tasks do not affect it (or almost do not).


Simple Auto-Dialer Schedule


Now, there’s no need to manually prescribe a schedule for each new dialer for every single day and for every type of number (MT, RT, DT). You can create a schedule using the new interface and with just two clicks, merge it with the newly created dialer. Moreover, even if you don’t install a schedule, it will still operate, but on a round-the-clock basis.

Dialer: Dialer schedule setup


Time Zone Correction


If your clients are spread across various time zones, you need to adopt a differentiated approach. In the Mesozoic era, it was simple – one auto-dial, one time zone. Serving clients from different time zones turned into a painful experience, leading to dissatisfaction on the other side. But evolution hasn’t stood still, and the ‘new auto-dial’ has gained the capacity to manage this. To use this feature, when creating a task, it’s enough to specify not only the desired call time but also the time zone. Don’t know the zone or don’t want to enter it manually? – activate the premium feature ‘Time Zone Detection’. Your clients will thank you for not waking them up in the middle of the night 🙂

Dialer: Client time zone detection setup

Rules of Validation and Transformation of Numbers


If you had numbers in different formats (for instance, with an international code and without it), but you needed to bring all tasks to one format, each time you uploaded contacts, you had to specify special rules for validation and transformation of numbers. Now this feature has been moved to the main settings of the auto-dialer. It works with numbers regardless of the way they are received (API, import, call scripts or CRM, agent).


Uniqueness Check


When importing data in the old interface, there is an option to filter contacts, checking their uniqueness. But not everyone uses it due to the specifics of their tasks. As a result, identical numbers could get into the auto-dialer, and agents would call them multiple times. The new auto-dialer can automatically exclude duplicate tasks by checking their uniqueness by phone number, contact number, order number, etc.





What required creating a conversation script and digging into the settings in the old interface can now be done in a couple of minutes in the new interface. There is a separate blog post on creating a simple auto-informer with message playback, but the capabilities of this auto-dialer mode are much wider.


Another significant advantage of the new dealer – auto dialer modes

  In the “Auto Dialer Settings” section, there is a detailed description for each mode. They can be changed and adjusted in a couple of clicks, but allow you to choose one of four modes – from the gentlest to the most powerful and “ruthless”. Also, we have integrated the “Callback” mode into the auto dialer. It has equally flexible settings, informativeness, and its additional settings. Auto Dialer: Modes of dialer

Advanced status control for callbacks

  In addition to the existing standards for repeat calls due to failure (no answer, busy, telephony error), the new dealer now has the ability to change the task status depending on the interaction of the task with the agent. Following the settings, the auto dialer can automatically cancel the task, not count the call as an attempt, etc. Auto Dialer: Statuses

Dialing Priorities


The old auto-dialer had three priority options: from new to old, from old to new, and a random task selection. In the new interface, priority can be configured at 4 levels, and their sequence will flexibly adjust to your tasks.

Auto dial: Setting Priorities


Task Management


You can manage the task list directly in the dialer. Finding the necessary task, deleting it, restarting or manually adding a new task can be done without a CRM.

Auto dial: Task Management


Work Log


The history of statuses, allowing you to understand what is happening with the auto-dialer at the moment, has been redesigned and perfected for the new auto-dialer and is now more clear and informative. In the work logs, you can immediately determine why there are no calls, why tasks are not being processed, or why the dialer has stopped. Additionally, you have the ability to display a report on the dialer’s statuses for the last hour with a single click.

Auto dial: Auto dial Status Log



 Pleasing to the eye and informative for analyzing the work of the contact center. They’re numerous, they’re diverse, they reflect statistical data about the work of the auto dialer, busy lines, the quality of the base, etc. Widgits can be found in the “info” tab, but they can also be added to the main page of the interface, so you don’t have to enter each time for data into the auto dialer. Besides visual statistics, you can generate a report on these data in just two clicks.  

Auto Dialer Reports

 Old dialer reports were seldom used due to their low level of information. The new auto dialer has plenty of reports. They contain numerous different filters so you can customize reports for your tasks. 

Ability to Copy the Dialer

 In order to create a similar but separate auto dialer for a different task, it was necessary to perform the same settings each time and enter the same schedules. Not the most exciting process. But everything is different in the new interface: need to create the same auto dialer? Make a copy in two clicks!Auto dialer: copying the dialer

Managing dialer via API


You can add, delete, update tasks via API, switch the dialer on/off, direct information about the task status, contact card fields, or call details to an external CRM. The API allows remote interaction with a plethora of auto-dialer functions. Link to API


This isn’t all of the improvements, there are infinitely more. The auto-dialer can open links to external CRMs, manage the priority participation of agents in the auto-dialer. It can also begin and cease working on a scheduled day, plus a lot more! However, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with these and other capabilities of the new dialer!

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