
Operators’ Working Hours: Report of Status Histories

How to check the working hours of agents, view the history status report of a single user in the workspace, and settings and capabilities in Oki-Toki.

Operators’ Working Hours: Report of Status Histories

The Agent’s log is a report in Oki-Toki that allows you to check the agent’s working hours. It displays the history of your call center user statuses, either at the agent’s interface or the status change sequence of a single user. In addition to Busy, Away, Ready, Pcp, Waiting, Offline, N/A statuses, it displays queue names, event numbers, business processes, and contacts that the agent worked with.

Agent Statuses

  • Ready – Duration whenever an agent is available. Ready for communication and not engaged in anything;
  • Away – Period during which the agent does not participate in communications. It can have what’s known as elaboration to describe regulated lunch breaks, meetings, or briefing. And also a text comment – clarification;
    • You have the option to add additional clarifications for the “Away” status, for example, Restroom, Tea break, Dinner, etc.
  • Busy – a period during which the agent is working with a client;
  • PCP (Post Call Processing) – the interval of time after communication. During this time, the agent may be busy with paperwork, filling out forms, etc. The agent must be in scripts during this status;
  • Waiting – a state in which one party is waiting for the other. Full-fledged communication is not possible at this time;
  • Offline – during this time, the agent is absent from the workstation and cannot be involved in work;
  • N/A – this status describes the agent’s occupancy interval in queues and companies that are not available for you to view due to security settings. It combines all statuses occupied by the user: Busy, Pcp, Waiting.

Agents' working time: list of statuses

Possibilities in Oki-Toki

The report’s starting page is presented in the form of a basic list of filter fields. After clicking on the “Show all fields” button, additional settings will appear.

Main settings /h3>
When compiling an agent’s work time report, you can select the period of task addition, user, project, as well as the agent’s status.

Oki-Toki allows displaying search results in any convenient format. You can demonstrate a report within the interface, as well as export it in Excel, HTML, or Google Sheets format
h3>Report parameters list/h3>
h3>Additional settings/h3>

  • Queue – specify the queue the agents are assigned to;
  • Status clarification – for the AWAY status, you can create clarifications. These clarifications will be proposed to agents while using the agent interface (for instance, Tea break, Dinner, etc.);
  • Display tariffed time – rounding duration of statuses according to the queue settings in the section «Tariff parameters»;
  • Call ID, phone number, process ID (form), time format (duration display format in HH:MM:SS, MM:SS and so on) and comments.

Additional report settings

After filling the necessary fields, generate a report in the form of a table. It contains columns: agent, queue, comment, chat, duration of the call, start time and end of the call. As well as the call ID/phone, CRM process ID.

Agent working hours: report appearance

The agent and their status are indicated in the first column. If the agent is in the “Call” and “RCP” status, you can view call details in three tabs:

  • “Recording” – dialogue quality assessment, call record (can be downloaded) and transcription (can be exported in HTML);

Listening to the recording from the report

  • Call log – call ID; author; queue to which the agent is linked; function (call script cube). As well as side A (caller), side B (answerer); call start time, waiting time and conversation duration; call status and reason (Sip answer from SIP-provider);

Call log from the agent's status

  • Connection nodes – SID, server, queue, SIP provider, internal A number, B number; start time of the call, waiting and talking; SIP result and cost of the call.




  • For a detailed study of the agents’ conversations with customers, you can refer to the Call Log, more details can be found here.
  • For a general report, you can compile a Summary report on statuses in queues (displays time distribution in Busy, Pcp, Waiting statuses). Summary report on user statuses (allows seeing the start and end of the agent’s work, duration and number of status shifts).

Ilona Chernyakova

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