
What a Call Report Can Reveal

This is how the call report will aid in the operation of the cloud service ‘Oki-Toki’ for in-house and outsourcing contact centres.

What a Call Report Can Reveal

A typical task is to generate a report on calls, or find a specific call and extract data from it… well, who knows what might be needed. In this article, we will talk about the capabilities of the “Calls log” report in our cloud-based contact center Oki-Toki. The call report can show the details of every element of the call — its “functions” (IVR, Queue, Voice Synthesis/Recognition, Call forwarding, Hold, etc.). The parties’ numbers of the call, wait and talk durations, and in the “Reason” field – the reason for ending the call. But all this is not enough for a comprehensive solution. To cover the useful little things, we’ve created numerous tabs. This article pertains to the tool for leaders.

Call Recording

In this menu, you have the opportunity to listen, download, copy the call link and find out who listened to it before you.Call Recording in Oki-Toki


This tab contains data about the agent’s breached norms: call duration, conversation, wait for a response, etc. There are many of them and this list is complemented with speech analytics tools.Infractions tab in Oki-Toki

Lost Call Handling

This tab only appears in ‘missed’ incoming. It indicates the status of the task for automatic callback: when it was scheduled, how many attempts were made by the auto dialer, and who processed it.

Processing of missed Oki-Toki

Communication Nodes

They display data from the report on SIP communication providers: the name, the result of the conversation, the duration of the call, and its cost.

Oki-Toki Communication Nodes


These tabs contain customer information that the agent will save in the profile: customer data, completed call scripts.

Oki-Toki Contacts

Auto dialer

This tab contains information about the auto dialer in use, the task number, its status, and the number of completed call attempts.

Oki-Toki Auto dialer in the call report


This tab contains quick links to all entities involved in the call: queues, auto dialers, scripts, agents and SIP providers.

Oki-Toki links in the call report


At Oki-Toki, a complete transcription of the conversation is made. In this tab, the dialogue is displayed as a chat. This function is currently in beta, but is available to everyone for use.

Oki-Toki Transcript in the Call Report

If you like how we have organized everything, and you want to try working with us – click on the link.

What else can be learned using the call report

  • Call filter – a tool that hides the number from all reports and from all users who do not have rights to view such calls. This is necessary for testing scripts, training agents, and internal calls.
  • You can share a link to a call by clicking on the icon.
  • Access to everything is possible through API functions. You can read about them here.
  • You can receive call data in real time through the webhooks mechanism.
  • Export the recording of the selected call to Google Drive.
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