
Web Call from the Site – WebCall

>What is a Web-Call from a Website, How to Make a Call to a Contact Center from a Browser, Setting up WebCall in Oki-Toki, Advantages and Benefits for Business.

Web Call from the Site – WebCall

Web-call is a technical solution for calls from a website to a contact center. This solution offers advantages that can be leveraged in call centers and e-commerce. In this article, we’ll cover how Web-call works, how to set it up, and integrate it into your digital business.

What is Web-call from a website

Web-call, or simply “WebCall” is an inbound call to an agent directly from the browser. With a direct “WebCall” call, the customer can ask their question at a time that suits them, plus it’s a completely free option without the use of a SIP telephony provider.

Here’s what it looks like. Call the robot from our blog:

WebRTC Technology

“WebCall” is built onWebrtc technology., which is supported by all browsers. The practical significance is the use of this technology on mobile devices and then on PCs where a headset is present. 3G networks for calls are more than enough, and the technology has already matured for commercial use. It’s used in mobile apps, but why, if a browser is sufficient.
h3>Where can this be useful?/h3>

  • Internal services, for example technical support. Advantages – making a call bypassing the telephone network (and messengers);
  • Customer service in roaming. Advantages – ability for the customer to call via “Public Wi-Fi” or using the internet of a local sim-card;
  • Communication from a landing page or another web page. Easy access to agents or voice bots. This is an opportunity to improve conversion by instant communication with the client.

How to Set Up WebCall in Oki-Toki

To create a Web-call, go to the Integrations section – External resources.

  • Create the WebCall integration you need;
  • Choose the color and text settings for the “Call” button;

Webcall widget setup

  • Place the generated code with settings on the pages of your site, and add the URL to the button for the call;
  • Important! Don’t forget to specify the queue where the customer’s number will be sent and from which element of the scripts the call will start.

Benefits and value from Oki-Toki WebCall

What can “WebCall” from Oki-Toki offer your business?

Advertising and Sales

  • Optimizing the advertising budget and increasing sales conversions;
  • Improving conversion rates, as users take action faster.
  • Our “Call tracking” report shows the source of incoming calls. This allows you to analyze the effectiveness of advertising across different sources or on specific website pages;

Agent’s work

  • Incoming calls with “WebCall” are instantly distributed to a free agent, put in a queue, or follow a different call script;
  • Agents can receive “WebCall” calls via an Oki-Toki agent station, personal or work phone number, as well as through an IP tube or softphone;
  • For calls coming from the website, you can use KPI standards and speech analytics to monitor the agent’s work.

h3>Benefits for customers /h3>

  • Customer convenience: one-click call from the site, free of charge and anonymous; 
  • With “WebCall”, customers can connect with an agent from anywhere in the world without making long-distance calls;
  • WebCall Oki-Toki is suitable for all browser versions.

h3>Integration with Oki-Toki/h3>

  • There is an opportunity to view call recording in the Call Journal or listen to it in real time, and it will show information that this customer came from the website;

Website Call Report

  • The “WebCall” widget is fully integrated with Oki-Toki, you can set up incoming call scripts for different departments or agents, as well as use a voice assistant;
  • With our CRM forms and scripts, you can create the most successful conversation script with a client coming from the website.

h3>Budget savings/h3>

  • “WebCall” in Oki-Toki is set up for free;
  • You don’t pay for callback minutes, “0-800” numbers or other communication services.


  • For “WebCall”, you can set up a Blacklist of numbers for unwanted clients and spam calls. They will not be directed to the agent, saving their time.
  • For calls from the website, you can use the request form in which the client will leave their phone number, after which a task will be created for the agent. This is a “Callback”. Read more in the blog article.

Ilona Cherniakova


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